A rapid documentation tool to blow you away!!!
Docnado makes it easy to start and maintain a Markdown documentation project.
Docnado renders an adapted Markdown to provide:
Make sure you have Python 3.6 installed.
python3 -m pip install docnado --upgrade # install it
docnado # run it
python docnado.py # start a server on localhost:5000
python docnado.py --html # freeze the server into a static site as a set of HTML files
# this will exit with -1 if there was a problem parsing any file
python docnado.py --port # specify a port for docnado to accept requests on
python docnado.py --pdf # generate a set of pdf files for each .md file - won't pull through
# static resource files like with the --html command
python docnado.py --new # copy default templates and sample docs into the working directory
# and update the config too, only if they don't already exist
python docnado.py --new-force # copy default templates and sample docs into the working directory
# and update the config too, this will overwrite any existing docs or
# configs.
python docnado.py --dirs # display all the different directories docnado will use to generate
# the documentation
python docnado.py --find-orphans # display unreferenced media assets in the documentation
python docnado.py --find-broken-links # display external broken links in the documentation
Find more static site generators.